Vermont DUI Felony
While all Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charges are to be taken seriously, a third or higher DUI charge in Vermont results in a felony. Seeing as a felony is the most serious charge available, it is guaranteed to disrupt your life in many significant ways.
Don't Fight Your Felony Charges Alone
All drivers facing a felony DUI should immediately call a DUI lawyer who has experience handling DUI felony cases. That is the best chance you have for lessening the impact it will have on your life, both personally and professionally.
DUI Misdemeanor
In Vermont, like all other states, a first-time drunk driving charge is considered a misdemeanor offense and punishable by jail sentence, license suspension, large fines and DUI education and rehabilitation programs. Vermont also considers a second DUI a misdemeanor offense.
DUI Felony
A third-time DUI charge in Vermont is considered a felony charge, meaning the penalties, restrictions and life-long consequences will be much greater. Aside from a third-time offense, there are also a few other reasons why a DUI charge in Vermont might be escalated to a felony charge and they include: being charged with aggravated DUI, causing death or injury to others when the DUI occurred, and having an extremely high blood alcohol content (BAC).
DUI Felony Conviction
Being a convicted felon will change your life in many ways. For starters, the immediate penalties will be stiff and can include a prolonged, mandatory jail sentence, which you will have to carry out in prison versus local jail. Additionally, your fines will greatly increase, alcohol and/or drug rehabilitation will most likely be mandatory, time on parole is possible, and more. You might also be required to pay for a home alcohol and drug monitoring system.
Receiving a felony charge, however, has widespread consequences. A conviction may affect your ability to work (most government employers have policies against hiring convicted felons), your ability to drive for many years, and even many of your basic civil liberties, such as voting or the right to own a gun.